Section 1. Community Profile: Yellow Springs 1970-2000

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Section 1. Community Profile: Yellow Springs 1970-2000

Introduction and Goal


County Profile Demographics

Population Change Comparison

Population Percent Change

Occupation Comparison

Income Change Comparison

Poverty Change Comparison

Education Attainment Change Comparison

Median Age Change Comparison

Gender of Population Change Comparison

Racial Diversity Change Comparison

Household Change Comparison

Housing Value Change Comparison

Employment Change in Yellow Springs

Change in Households in Yellow Springs

Forward to: Section 2. Cost of Living Comparison:
Yellow Springs and Neighboring Communities, 2000

Forward to: Appendix A: Tabulated Data from original Sources




This section is designed to give basic demographic information about Yellow Springs over several decades. In order to facilitate understanding the data within a meaningful context, data for Ohio and the United States for the same time periods are given, as well. For further comparison, Greene County data, in profile format, are also available on the Internet at:

Features of the Yellow Springs community, which are considered in this section include total population and percent changes over time, income, poverty, occupation, education, gender, age, race, number of households, persons per household, and housing value. Yellow Springs housing value is also compared to neighboring communities in Section 2: Cost of Living Comparison.


The Greene County Profile, mentioned above, was used as a basic model for the Yellow Springs Community Profile section. However, in the interest of brevity, five of the fifteen sections included in the Greene County Profile have not been used in this cost of living report. The sections omitted include population migration, persons in household, family households, non-family households, and vital statistics. The listing on the following page compares the features presented in the Greene County profile and those considered in this report.

Greene County Profile Yellow Springs Community Profile 1970-2000
Population Population
Gender Gender
Race Race
Age Age
Population migration --
Persons in household --
Persons in group quarters Persons in group quarters
Households Households
Family households --
Non-family households --
Housing units Housing units
Educational attainment & Income Educational attainment & Income
Poverty Poverty
Vital statistics --
Per capita income Per capita income

All data included in this community profile section are taken from the U.S. Bureau of the Census from four continuous decades: 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000. See Appendix, Tables 1 through 9, for details.